Most dancers begin pointe classes between 11 and 13 years of age. It is very important that the following milestones are achieved before pointe work begins to ensure success en pointe. Children develop at different rates, and even children in the same training program may not be ready for pointe work at the same age.
2. The dancer’s foot strength, ankle strength, and core control should be properly developed and evaluated by her instructors before starting pointe classes. Proper placement is a slow and gradual training of the entire body that is learned and developed over time in ballet technique classes. Control and coordination of the entire body, including the back, hips, thighs, legs, ankles, and feet is essential to rise en pointe correctly.

These milestones will arrive at different times depending on training, body type, growth of bones, and development of muscles. It is important to remember that there have been many famous and successful professional dancers that did not begin pointe classes until they were 15 or 16 years old to allow the body time to develop.
In addition to bone or joint damage, going en pointe with inadequate range of motion, strength, or control can cause stress and damage to the back, legs, feet, pelvis, and core.
“There is no reason to get a young dancer up on full pointe if she
cannot do anything when she gets there!”
-George Balanchine